Color Correction is anything but a new concept within the Cosmetics Industry. Over the past month, color correction has gained such attention on social media; many are beginning to question whether or not it’s worth the hype. Let me start off by stating that Color Correction falls under the act of concealing and if used correctly can create amazing results for people with redness, sun spots, dark under eyes, etc.
Today I will go over the basics of Color Correction so you will be well equipped when choosing which color correcting product is right for you. With so many brand launching new color correcting products this month I’m sure you’ll find a Color Correcting Concealer that works best for you!
(The palette above is from NYX Cosmetics and retails for $11.99 at ULTA)
If you’re someone who only uses a a skin-toned concealer to cover up problem areas you may have noticed the concealer accentuates the problem areas rather than covering them up. For example, my under eyes are very dark and purple and so when I use a skin-toned concealer my under eyes appear bright and grey. If this dilemma resonates with you, then Color Correcting would be perfect for you.
The following color concealers should be used depending your needs and skin tone:
Yellow Concealer:
Best results for Tan and Olive skin tones.
Brightens and conceals purple – blue tones.
Typically used for concealing fatigue, the under eye area or bruises.
Green Concealer:
Brightens, conceals and cancels out redness that may be caused by acne, broken capillaries, rosacea, red under eye areas and sunburns.
Purple Concealer:
Used to cancel out yellow tones and sallowness in the skin.
Pink Concealer:
Best results for Fair or Light skin tones.
Brightens and conceals purple – blue tones.
Typically used for concealing fatigue, the under eye area or bruises.
Peach Concealer:
Best for medium to deeper skin tones and olive complexions.
Used to conceal acne scars, brown spots, freckles and sun spots.
Neutral Concealer:
Used for contouring.
Have you used color correcting? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks !