I have always wanted slippery smooth legs from an early age in life. While other girls dreamed of becoming a mermaid or a princess; I wanted legs that graced the pages of Victoria Secret. As a child, I lived in a distorted reality. My legs were pale and covered with what I would describe as blonde, pre-pubescent leg hair. The epitome of sexy – I know! Fast forward to my first shaving experience, or shall I say Nair experience. I once again saw a glimmer of hope. Naive or dumb? I thought the moment the fuzzy peach hair was removed from my pasty legs- shiny, smooth legs would miraculously emerge like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Instead, as my teenage self removed the Nair, the hope of achieving Victoria Secret legs became a distant dream. But what went wrong?
While other girls dreamed of becoming a mermaid, I wanted legs that graced the pages of Victoria Secret.
Well what I wish I had known at the time was that your skin’s health, regardless of its location can be susceptible to a series of conditions / ailments. Also, no one is born with “perfect” skin. Did you know, in addition to having ingrown hairs, rashes, clogged pores and discoloration the skin on your legs can also be dry, scaly, and crepey? Most of which can be improved with daily moisturizing and exfoliation.
While at Target, I unexpectedly stumbled upon Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer. As a person with dry skin, you would think I’d befriend the concept of applying lotion but I don’t. For one, I hate sporting greasy, sticky skin and hate even more having to wait in a towel for lotion to dry. So an in-shower moisturizer not only seemed logical but screamed destiny. The packaging also helped sway my decision by claiming there would be a “no sticky feel”.
To be truthful, I never experienced “stickiness” while using the Wet Skin Moisturizer. On the contrary, I enjoyed that once I got out of the shower, I could go about my day without performing a task I’ve always detested. My skin felt as though it drank a large cup of water. The product didn’t sit on my skin’s surface. Instead it felt hydrated and unbeknownst to myself, my legs slowly lost their classic crepey texture. Have I lost my small patch of ingrown hairs that reside right above my knees? No, but life isn’t perfect and neither are my legs. I’m just glad to be moving in the right direction.