It was Friday, February 28th.
I don’t recall when it all began. Jokes surfaced in LA mid February, but the hustle of every day life made it all an afterthought. Nothing could really happen here or so I thought… enter March.
Ironically, I attending a Sage Making Class at the end of February for a birthday event. Similar to the Crystal event I attended a few years ago. Remember (here) With all the madness that occurred in February at work, it was fitting. Drink wine, create sage bundles, chit chat with a friend and hope for better days in March.
Drink wine, create sage bundles, chit chat with a friend and hope for better days in March.
The event allowed me to enter March with an open mind and an open heart. I am aware at times I focus on the unimportant. I micromanage – guilty! However, as the days progressed and it became difficult to stay positive I had to remember the only thing I could control is how I react to the given situation.
It’s now April. The first quarter of the year was probably not spent the way I had hoped. Current situations are not what I hoped but the year isn’t over. There are many lessons I’ve learned through this ordeal. Aside from learning that I only have control of myself and my actions. I also learned first hand, “it can always get worse, so be happy regardless”. I say this because when I attended this event I felt defeated – my year was ruined! Flash forward to the end of March; I have no clue what I was worried about. Not to disregard how I felt but I’m sure our collective current situation is worse. Even more so, I’m sure the current situation of others is worse. Enter the importance of gratitude.
Moving forward, I came to accept that although the word feels like it came to a halt; life did not. March came and went. I was numb and in shock as we most were. However, I don’t want that for April. It’s funny how the madness propelled a life assessment. Or rather, it is sad that life can change so quickly. But the truth of the matter is, growth doesn’t occur without change – regardless if we agree, welcome or accept the change.
I hope everyone a safe and wonderful month of April now that March is behind us!