I purchased the base coat from Beauty Secrets at my local Sally’s With each application, it promised to moisturize and nourish my nails.
Overall, the product was very unexpected. To be frank, this product was a horrible base coat. The amount of time needed for the base coat to fully dry extended the manicure process. Due to the base coat’s tackiness, the base coat must be completely dry before applying the nail polish. If not, the nail polish will tug on the base coat.
I also found that this product alters the appearance of many colors, seeing as it does have a pink tint.
The wear time is rather average, and does not have a chip resistant formula.
My initial reaction in using this product was disappointment. However, as a person who suffers from dry nails this has become a staple in my daily routine. For all of you who don’t know what dry nails are, it occurs when your nail begins to peel in layers….Gross, I know! But hey it happens.
Although this product practically screamed a disaster, it was magnificent. It was mere seconds away from being thrown in the trash until I saw the great improvement it made on my nails.