Ellis Faas Book Launch

If you weren’t already excited about The Makeup Show… here is something to push you over the edge.

This Saturday March 28th, exclusively at The Makeup Show, Ellis Faas will launch her much anticipated book, “On the Edge of Beauty”.

The event will commence with a presentation by hers truly, Ellis Faas.

A book signing will follow the presentaiton from 3:30 – 4:30 at booth #5013.

For a map of the venue, click here.

Retails for $20.00


  It is prevalent through Ellis Faas work that Vogue Paris was not wrong in identifying her as, “one of the most influential make-up artists of her generation”.

The 64- page book is delicately curated to demonstrate her ability as a make-up artist whose capabilities transcend non-orthodox make-up applications into master pieces.  Ellis Faas breaks the barriers of traditional beauty and, “challenges the status quo” bringing to life true art.

 It is said, Ellis Faas make-up is imaginative, innovative and simply inspirational.

After viewing some of her most acclaimed pieces, I cannot agree more!  Her work leaves you questioning the traditional standards of beauty.

As a make-up artist, Ellis Faas work is able to achieve the same level of mental stimulation as a writer or traditional artist, and in turn proves her ability to reveal the depth in beauty.

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