… ringing in the New Year seems bitter sweet.
Dear friend, I wish you a Happy New Year. It’s been a long time since we’ve spoken. Things have changed, people have changed and the world has changed. I have changed. As 2020 came to an end, defeat overshadowed my end of year routine; setting New Year resolutions! What once was familiar, the act of setting resolutions felt pointless. But with time I reflected on 2020 and came to realize the year has taught me several life lessons I would have never learned if the year went differently. So what can I say maybe I’m being hopeful or maybe I need the hope generated from the thought of a New beginning. I look forward to the mental reset of a New Year.
Moving forward into 2021, the largest lesson I would bring from 2020 is gratitude. My goal is to accept the process, enjoy the journey and move at my own pace. Yes, life can feel shitty and things happen out of your control. If you knew me on a personal level you would know I don’t mean trivial things but regardless, 2020 has taught me that you have to continue to focus on the positive things even if they are small and infrequent. Yes, its hard and taxing and quite frankly you want to give up half way but as the days pass you realize it works. Happiness is a choice and nothing is perfect.
To start off the year, I decided to make a list of cliche resolutions. You know the resolutions that are so basic and common you roll your eyes when you overhear someone sharing. You see, normally I would be that person performing the heavy eye roll but after thinking about it; cliche New Year resolutions can become small building blocks towards healthy habits in becoming a better person. I cringe hearing that sentence aloud but you know what, it’s 2021…fuck it!